Friday, October 29, 2010


CHANGE.....Yes it is a time of change in lots of things. Personally with us, Don's mother is soon to make a change from the nursing/rehab center she has been in for 3 months to home again! That is a wonderful change! And that will begin another phase of our lives,(Don & I). CHANGE IS GOOD!

A pond or body of water must have a stream flowing in and a way for the water to flow out. Otherwise, the pond will become stagnant...unable to sustain life! Recently we discovered we may have this problem with our "Big Pond" down by the river on our property here in Union, SC. Something will have to be done, CHANGE, to unstop the "flow" that is coming in and out of that body of water!
We will do whatever it takes to "revive" this beautiful place that God has given us....right now we don't know the exact problem...but we KNOW there is a problem at both ends and something Must be done and SOON if that body of water, "Our Pond" is to have a "normal flow" again!!! There are a lot of "fish" in that pond and have been for many, many, years. They will die if the pond does not begin to "Flow Properly" again. FISH reminds me of what we are told/called in the Bible...FISHERS OF MEN! COULD GOD BE SHOWING ME A PARALLEL BETWEEN THAT POND AND THE "FISH" IN IT AND THE "CHURCH-BODY OF CHRIST" at large???? Are we becoming "stagnant" or "have" we already become stagnant because of a "blockage" that we were not aware of until now? That "FLOW" of the Spirit of the Living God from Deep Within Us that is to Flow Out to others around us to help them from "death?" (John3:16)

Are you a Flowing Life Giving Stream...(out of the innermost beings of your heart shall flow rivers of living water)...A VIBRANT STREAM..A BEAUTIFUL POND WHERE FISH LIVE AND GROW? (and are caught!) We must check ourselves out as Believers in Jesus Christ NOW...Are we Living and Walking and Moving and Breathing in HIM? (Jesus}...HIS WORD...THE BIBLE? ARE WE GIVERS OF LIFE TO THOSE WE COME IN CONTACT WITH AT CHURCH, THE STORE, ANYWHERE WE GO??? Are we "LIFE GIVERS" TO OTHERS WHO DON'T KNOW JESUS? IS THERE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WAY WE LIVE AND OTHERS...ARE WE LOOKED UPON AS SOMEONE THAT A LOST PERSON WOULD LIKE TO BE LIKE? (Do they see something in us they desire and want?) DO THEY SEE JESUS IN US...ARE WE LETTING OUR LIGHT SHINE SO THAT OTHERS MAY SEE THE GLORY OF GOD AND BE SAVED?

As I come to the end of this blog, I leave you with that question, whever you are...Union,SC and all over the world. OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD AND HE CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE...JUST WAIT AND SEE...YOU WILL SEE IT AND SOON!


Don & Carol Kingsmore

Monday, October 11, 2010


WOW! Its been awhile since I wrote anything on this blog. Lots of things going on during this new fall season...festivals in Buffalo across from the mill pond.....tractor shows at the stadium....the Union County Fair next week,
countywide church revivals and youth revivals...lots and lots of things going on. And the weather got really nice last week here in Union, however this weekend it began to heat up again and today they say we may break record heat levels. But fall is here, and I heard its going to cool off towards the end of the week and I am glad. The Sr. Citizens of Buffalo Baptist Church went to Lake Lure, NC for a picnic last week (10-5-10) and we had a great time. Buffalo Baptist is thriving under the new leadership of Rev. Michael Wingertsahn. Sunday school attendance has gone up and I am just waiting to see how God is going to move next in our community! There are so many right outside our doors at Buffalo Baptist Church that don't know the Lord or need to be "revived" ! The church was built back in the Early 1900's by the Mill Company that came to town and everything revolved around the mill and church etc. People moved here from the mountains to take jobs in the new mills and it became a time of growth for Union County.

Now that the mills have closed...(1995-Buffalo)...and been torn down, its sad to look at the two towers still standing at the Buffalo Mill...the only reminder of those many years people spent there working and making a good living for their families. Memories...thats all we have...or maybe not...maybe thats a "good" thing.
Time for some NEW MEMORIES the "GOD KIND" !

...I still believe that God wants to "Show Himself Strong" on behalf of the people of Union County, Buffalo included, and recently I posted on facebook a scripture from Ephesians...chapter 5 verse 14....WE NEED TO BE AWAKENED...TO RISE UP...AND DO THE WORKS OF THE LORD! Again today, I was in Ephesians 5 verses 15-17. I used that as my status for facebook today and felt it was really speaking of NOW!

As I read through my e-mail today I came across a few things I shared on my facebook page and also wanted to share on this blog.

Did you know that on October 31, 1517 Martin Luther tacked his 95 theses to the Wittenburg Door in Germany....Igniting Reformation in that nation, region, and around the world! Let us as a nation "cry out" on October 31, 2010 for an Awakening and Reformation in our own day and hour and country, cities, towns of America. There will be a "live web cast" on Oct.31 from Christ for the Nations in Texas from 7-10pm CDT hosted by Cindy Jacobs Prayer Ministry. The website is Take a look at it if you get a chance...!!!

I was viewing another video today that had been sent to me and it was a discussion about dreams with Jim Goll. He has a book out called DREAM LANGUAGE and I found his comments very interesting in light of the fact the Bible tells us that in the last days "young men will dream dreams etc."....Something he said really went along with what I have already written about Ephesians....He was making reference to God giving us a "wake-up call" in this hour...sending out an SOS to people...."WHOSOEVER CALLS UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED! SOS! SOS! SOS! SOS! "SAVE OUR SOULS" So Many Need Jesus !!!

And I believe HE IS REAL ! OH>>>SO REAL! Just as I began to type these words the song came on "How Great Is Our God"...Name above all names! Last night at church we had a young man visiting and playing that song and singing was wonderful! YES..................................HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD........!

Thursday, September 23, 2010



But it is that season according to the calendar now, however in Union, SC it is still in the 90's and hot! Hopefully soon it will be more like the fall I like:)

This has been a really fast week for me. After returning from my Uncle's Memorial in NC Sunday night, my Sister stayed with us since it was so late and left for Atlanta on Monday morning. We stopped in Lexington, NC to pick up some of their "famous lexington style barbeque". I love Union County SC barbeque, however Lexington, NC has been a favorite of mine since I was a child. My Mother grew up in Lexington. So we always picked up some there when visiting and took it back home with us. Don took some of it to his mother at Oakmont and he said she liked it. They have a particular type "barbeque slaw" that you can't get anywhere else and I do like that! Bye the way, she is progressing nicely in her rehab and feeling good.

The Memorial for my Uncle was special for me. They were of the Quaker Faith and the service
was different than any I have ever been to before, but very good. My Aunt (age 91) of course was there. And though she has a touch of memory loss, I think she knew we were all there!

Lots of things going on in the "news" these days...particularly with politics! I watch and pray.

The Following is a quote from ABRAHAM LINCOLN:

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for

VERY INTERESTING...................

Saturday, September 18, 2010


What a beautiful Saturday morning in Union, SC. I just came from Curves and ran into two friends of mine from church who are leaving for a trip out West tomorrow.
Another friend left Thursday on vacation out West too. All three of them are in my Sunday School Class and so will be out of church tomorrow. I will not be able to go either because of the death of my Uncle in Highpoint, NC.

My sister is coming from Atlanta this afternoon to pick me up and we will stay with cousins tonight and go to the Service tomorrow. I know he is in heaven will all the rest of the family that has gone on before him, but he will be missed. His Mission on Earth has ended and he is now in a New Place. It will be good to see some of our cousins that we haven't seen for years...(and I do mean years)..! They are from my Father's side of the family...The Vance's. As I child I recall visiting my Grandmother's house on Montlieu Ave in Highpoint right across from a Catholic Church...(for some reason that church intrigued me as a child). All the women wore hats to church on Sundays...but back then even my Methodist Grandmother wore hats when she dressed up.

What wonderful childhood memories I have of those big family get-togethers. My father had 3 older brothers and 2 younger sisters, so everyone and their families would come to "Mother Vance's"...thats what we called eat. I never knew my grandfather, but heard alot about him. He died when my Daddy was almost 5 years old and Mother Vance raised all 6 children by herself and never remarried. She lived to the ripe old age of 97 and I think, hope, I have some of those genes....! She lived in an assisted living apt. building during her latter years. But she had her own private apartment there and always wanted to feed us or give us "something" when we came to visit.

I remember her Big house (before that) and the kitchen with the Big pantry and the GOOD FOOD she cooked for us...and I guess others brought food too. I loved what now we call the "old fashioned" claw foot bath tub she had in her huge bathroom! Also she had a "rotary" phone in the hallway on a special stand and I could always picture her whenever we called her from Charleston standing in that hall. I also remember the next door neighbors who became like Aunts and Uncles to us...! I loved to visit Mother Vance.

We had card tables set up all over the dining room and living room and kitchen when we ate and it is easy for me to remember that since they took pictures..lots of them back then. It was so much fun ! She would always send us a "sack lunch" home when we left to go back to Charleston, SC where we were living at that time.

I am so thankful for my Family today..from back when I was a child and now as a grandmother myself. All my family and extended family. There is nothing like the love of family.

I want to share a poem that our oldest son Van wrote last February on Change. I like it and I think you will. He has quite a talent in this area, and so does his 16 yr old daughter Allison.


Many days I sat on a beach called Peace
Just staring out across the sea.

I know my boat with its broken sails
Could never get me where I need to be.

One day a native with a familiar name
Came to me and said from his heart
You need no boat with broken sails
To get back from where you start.

If you rely on a broken compass
In a search with no direction
You could wind up where you started
Staring into the water at your own reflection.

Take my hand and walk with me
Said the native with a familiar name.
I'll walk you to another beach
Its a beach we all call Change.

It's not an easy walk you see
There's many forests full of many beasts.
But, we must get to the beach called Change
To return to this beach called Peace.

Hand and hand we traveled on and on
You can't imagine the obstacles we overcame.

One day he reached out for my other hand
And said, This is the Beach Called Change!

We all must spend some time here.
It can be difficult on this beach,
But open your heart and eyes
And I'll meet you back on the Beach Called Peace!

Van Eric Kingsmore 2-16-10

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Saturday 9-11-10 A Day to remember..........

Today is a special day as we remember those killed in the 9-11 terrorits' attacks on our country. I watched a replay this morning of the "original program" I was watching on NBC in 2001. I was taken immedialtely back to the exact moment as it all unfolded - where I was seated in my house and also the feelings I had as events began to unfold. (I was right back there again)!

I was amazed at how "complacent" I have become over the past nine years regarding what happened to our Nation on that Day! I know it is painful for many survivors to remember, but we as Americans should never forget....and, sadly to say, I feel some of us (even me) have forgotten or "put behind" the terrible images of what did and can happen again here on our own soil! I Pray that God spares us anything else like that on American soil, I mentioned in a previous note...some of us..even Christians..have forgotten the Magnitude of That Day. We need to be reminded and Thank God for His Grace and Mercy Every Day for keeping us safe and know that no matter what happens, Our God is in Control and He will Provide for His Own.

On another is "Uniquely Union Day" here in Union, SC. People from all over the Carolinas have come here for a "Barbeque Cookoff" contest. I picked up Don at the Nursing Home where he was visisting his mother about noon and she was at the table awaiting her lunch. Louie Hyatt, her (baby) brother, also a patient at Oakmont, was at the table there too. Don's mother looked absolutely "radiant"! She had on a beautiful red colored shirt which made her silver gray hair sparkle and she just "glowed"! She is progressing well in her rehab and they have her up walking with a walker daily now. We are so thankful for that.

Don and I left them and went to the fairgrounds to test some of the many barbeque contestestants that had come to Union to compete. You were give a bracelet to wear for a $5 purchase and allowed to sample some 24 or so contestants "que". You were also given a piece of paper to turn in after eating voting on the one you thought was the best. So I did. And the one I voted as the best came from someone local in Union, not a resturant, or caterer, just someone I didn't know; but the barbarque was excellent. It began to rain just as we began to "taste" and we opened our umbrellas and went on from table to table....finally the rain let up. Then we were really thirsty. There was a band playing and many other vendors selling goods. I think they were having some other things this afternoon, but I got enough barbeque to last me for a long time.....!

Thursday night at Buffalo Baptist Church, we had our first "churchwide" ladies meeting. Brenda Whitmire ,who is over what we call "Women on Mission" ..planned it all and our Sunday School Class, "The Williling Workers" helped her out. The food was delicious and we had a great time of fellowship with the ladies at Buffalo from ages 18-100! Brenda's father was a Baptist Minister and so she has grown up all her life in the church and is really a blessing to the women of Buffalo.
We are blessed to have her.

Speaking of Buffalo Baptist Church, last Sunday morning we really had a moving service. I don't think I have ever sat through a service where we sang the invitation through twice...all verses...JUST AS I AM...! And that is How HE WANTS US...JUST AS WE ARE...WE DON'T HAVE TO "CLEAN UP" FOR HIM....THAT IS THE JOB OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WORKING THRU US AFTER WE ACCEPT JESUS AS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and don't forget to go to church tomorrow!